Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Wednesday 29th March 2017

Rexsoft Team
Volodia Kanyuka
He wants that you to give him this money?
Does he insist (наполягати)?
He doesn’t believe you.
He thinks (думати/вважати) (that) you are deceiving (обманювати) him.
I think (that) this car is good for me. vs I am thinking how to buy it.
think – 1) вважати; 2) роздумувати
continuous = progressive
drink – drank – drunk
I drank coffee yesterday. vs I have drunk coffee today/now.
worker vs employee
employer vs employee
reliable /рілаієбл/ - надійний
It looks like your employee in NYC is greedy (жадібний).
like – 1) подобати(сь); 2) як/типу
verb + to + verb
confident – впевнений
responsible – відповідальний
need working on
(You) See what I mean.
office = it = verb+s/es
help = assist

Sergey Kornitskiy
Grammarway4 U1 e.19, e.20
jump on the bandwagon
the ball is in your court
catch up on sth vs resume
up one’s alley

Volodia Gachkovsky
Grammarway 4 U1
jump on the bandwagon
see eye to eye
keep you on your toes
tiptoe around sth
be aware = understand
have a bigger fish to fry
When is that due?
be on a roll
experience a series of good things
find a happy medium
work sth out

neither … nor
Neither Vovk nor Korol attend/visit my classes.
Expressiveness is your trait/feature of personality.
foreign /форін/ - іноземний
distract from work
Client questions:
1 Report about completed tasks.
2 Planning the next sprint.
3 Current progress in a current sprint.
4 Should explain his position (API, framework)
meet the deadline
have a tight deadline
miss the deadline
treat vs cure
muscle /масл/
insurance company
low vs law
I am bored. vs I am boring.
Kirill is in the seventh grade.

jump on the bandwagon
He didn’t make it.
get off on the right/wrong foot
hyphen vs dash

Olya Yatsyuk
I work for Rexsoft.
My previous work was a position of the HR manager at the “Oschadbank”.
Why did you leave that work? – I am still (все ще) working there.
be бути/існувати = неозначена форма дієслова: немає ознак особи та часу
To be or to be? – Бути чи не бути?
Теперішній час: be = am, is, are = є/існує
I am Olya. I am an HR manager.
He is Igor. He is my teacher of Enlgish.
She is my sister.
It (це/воно) is Wednesday.
We are at work. – Ми (є) на роботі.
They are my friends.
You (3) are very kind.
Дієслово be вживається, коли говоримо про професії.
twins – близнюки
John = he = is
запізнюватись = бути запізненим = be late
late morning
vs = versus – проти
expensive (car) vs dear (friend)
Lucy = she = is
it vs this

Andrew Pokh
precedence vs precede
manual interference
jump on the bandwagon
see eye to eye with sb
keep you on your toes
bigger fish to fry
be on a roll vs be on a slippery slope
find a happy medium
one tough cookie
outdoor sport stations

Kirill (3)
1) якщо; 2) чи
1) too; 2) also
‘Goodbye, Argentina’
I walked to the station
OxT1 WB p.66
початкова форма = немає ознак часу та особи
закінчувати – закінчив, закінчила
планувати – спланував
зупинятись – зупинився, зупинилась
поспішати – поспішив
Стюарт пропустив шкільний автобус вчора вранці.
Він вирішив поїхати на велосипеді.
Він приїхав на його перший урок дуже пізно.
Вчитель захотів, щоб він зробив трохи додаткової роботи після школи.
Стюарт залишався в школі до четвертої години.
Почався дощ.
Він повелосипедив додому під дощем.
неправильне дієслово

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