Thursday, March 30, 2017

Thursday 30th March 2017

Rexsoft Team
Valera Snizhko
make sb do wth
take off (2)
back down
back up (3)
so vs sow vs saw
low vs law
row vs raw
‘Yii’ – framework
remind vs recall
types of learners: visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic.
public vs spectators vs auditory
в решті решт

Olya Yatsyuk
NB: learn days of the week
1) робота; 2) працювати
be в минулому часі має дві форми: was, were
I, he, she, it = was – Я був. Він був. Вона була. Воно/це було.
They, we, you = were – Вони були. Ми були. Ти був. Ви були.
We were at work yesterday.
I was at work yesterday.
посада (кого) менеджерА – a position of (кого) a manager
a color of (чого) the table – колір (чого) стола
in vs at = в
We are at our office.
at home
at work
at school
at the café
dog = it = was

Olexey Balabotkin
odd = unusual
Odd one out
odd number vs even number
get even with you
queue = q
in advance
however = but
fill – felt – felt
go down (about light)
drive – drove – driven
grow – grew – grown
as = while = when
have – had – had
print – report – sprint
agile software development

Olga Zagruska
NB: read about Jira
Grammarway 4 U1
Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous (a)
not-continuous verbs

Dima Havriluk
Я пропоную (ідею) vs Я пропоную (послугу/сервіс)
want + to + verb
won’t + verb vs want + noun
Хрест на пузі, щоб я здох.
a few + злічувальний іменник
a little + незлічувальний іменник
I am willing to work. = I want to work very much.
My neighbor is a strong-willed person.
the strength of the will
will (3)
Yesterday I worked with the project called/named ‘OpenSchool Blog’.
I added new custom fields: id1 and id2
To do this I used PHP and WordPress Function.
I added this project to the production hosting.
I am sleepy. vs I am sleeping.
I read sprints, analyze them, estimate time need to complete/do these sprints.
‘s – 1) закінчення присвійного відмінку; 2) скорочення від is; 3) скорочення від has (got)
English Test Level 1 (7-10)
what vs who vs that vs whichякий
PHP is a language that/which I use most often.
How many + noun+s/es
is = he/she/it – однина
did + підмет (в запитанні)
usually + verb

Alexander Pishcheyko
I have written a code. (Perfect)
A code was written. (passive)
I have a written code. (дієприкметник)
не відміну від = не такий, як – un+like
sick vs thick
I am sick and tired.
thick vs fat
thick hair
this vs that vs it
wear – wore – worn – носити (на собі)
carry – носити (в руках)
hat vs cap vs headwear
shoes vs boots vs footwear vs trainers vs sneakers
it’s vs it’s got = it has got
He has a car. = He has got a car.

Artem Pianykh
hand sth in
hand sth out
no space between url and round brackets in css property
keep in moderation
in moderation = within reasonable limits
I’d rather haven’t gone out yesterday.
be soaking wet
be wet to the bone
pay lip service to sth
set your mind at rest
nod off
stick out for sth

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