Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Wednesday 7th December 2016

previous: око за око, зуб за зуб
today: GIVE sb a hard time - ускладнювати комусь життя
next: give sb a leg up

previous: віг (член політичної партії) vs перука
today: while vs wile - 1) в той час, коли; 2) хоча; 3) але vs замануха/омана
next: whine vs wine

Rexsoft Team
Volodia Kanyuka
to – 1) щоб; 2) напрямок руху; 3) частка між дієсловами
sevens vs seventh
be late
be в теперішньому часі: am/is/are = є
I am
He/She/It is
We/You/They are
It is late. – Пізно. – 1) вечір 2) розмахувати руками
leave left left 1) залишати (місце); 2) залишати (десь людину або об’єкт)
drive drove driven – 1) керувати машиною; 2) везти когось
then = after that
head for – прямувати (кудись)
When you were on Trudova Street you got into traffic jam.
get into – потрапити (кудись)
That is why (Ось чому) you are late this morning.

Alexander Havrilyuk
Ukraine is experiencing hard time these days.
worry vs experience
don’t have enough time = be short of time
take sth on hold = put sth aside
mind vs mind
Do you mind if I sit here? – Yes, I do. – Так, я проти. – No, I don’t. – Ні, я не проти.
You are in charge of seven team.
It depends.
place vs arrange – розмістити (в певній послідовності) / відповідності
задовольняти потреби – meet the needs/demands (потреби/вимоги) of sth or sb
package manager
threshold – поріг = початок
You don’t have all necessary (необхідні) stuff/things.
Git = VCS - Version Control System
the one you see/have

Taras Koval
I am all ears. = I am listening to you very carefully.
movie theater vs cinema
Senior Account Manager
common – розповсюджений
What are common questions you ask your clients and what are common questions your clients ask you?
Why it is so expensive? – Because we are very reliable (надійні) and respectful (поважні) company with a lot of experience and a big number of cases.
Clients order your service like mobile apps, blogs, websites, CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system, CMS (Content Management System)
in particular = like = as
negotiate – вести перемови/переговори
number vs amount
as vs ass
convenient – зручний
cloud software
We share a project
I placed vs I am placed
‘OLA English’
be в теперішньому часі – am/is/are - є
I am
He/She/It – is
We/You/They – are
Present Simple – регулярна дія
I/We/You/They + verb (дієслово)
He/She/It/everybody + verb+s/es

Olga Zagurska
It costs a fortune.
It is very expensive.
We try to find out/identify.
log data
android developer Alex
rent account
I have lived
I have been living
You are responsible for a project
be in charge
The whole site consists of small parts like a register, a calculator, etc.
Chief Executive Officer
Hot shots
divide vs share
We should divide the whole functionality into small parts.
How long does it take to execute each part?
One task can take about 14 days.
We try to find out/identificate the basic/necessary functionalities.
Take care!
log data
to sum up what we did/completed last month
Did you sum up?
off topic
It doesn’t have to do with my work.
It has to do with my family.
have to do with sth/sb
rent account
I got a driving license
I passed my driving test.
take a test vs pass a test

Ruslan Gutsaliyk
auto [о:тоу]
Існує тестова версія. = Там є тестова версія. – There is a test version.
Існує багато мов програмування. – There are many programming languages.
a/an = one
expensive vs cost vs rate
expensive vs dear
SSD (Solid-State Drive) stores data persistently
It has a slow speed.
HDD – hard disc drive
is used є використаний (регулярно) = використовують
Shar Pei
retrieve = find and bring sth back

Andrew Pokh
W3C – World Wide Web Consortium
efficient = effective
As it is mentioned above
The text says/reads
separate vs single
MySQL Structured Query [kwiri] Language
WEB 2.0

Bohdan Hluzdan
API – a set of tools
register form, calculator – elements of functionality
functionality – process of execution of some operaions
бути взаємопов’язаними
must give them
Backend developers provide mobile, android and frontend developers with tools which help them to communicate with servers
обробляти інформацію
entity – post, comment, user account
relate to = are related
Pavel Durov
Ходять плітки = Є десь плітки

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