Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Wednesday 27th April 2016

previous: пробігтись очима, швидко переглянути виконану роботу
today: There wasn't a dry eye in the house. - Ніхто не залишився байдужим. Пройнявся кожен.
next: turn a blind eye

previous: знати vs ні
today: knows vs noseзнає (він, вона) vs ніс
next: laager vs lager

Yaroslav (1)
good = nice = fine = great = kind
generous – щедрий
резерв = запас
day trip – екскурсія = excursion
quiet vs quite – тихий vs досить
l.l. – look like
як – like
He was like – Він був як = Він був схожий (на)
He is like – Він (є) як = Він (є) схожий (на)
plate vs bowl
jar vs jug
can = tin
some – злічувальні та незлічувальні іменники
ring – 1) ринг (боксерський); 2) кільце; 3) дзвонити (в дзвони)
ring the bell
ring the door bell – подзвонити в двері
soap vs soup
loaf – loaves
f – ves: scarf-scarves; leaf-leaves; calf-calves; wolf-wolves
salmon – лосось
a carton on milk/juice/wine
hold – тримати, зберігати
liquid – рідина

Fadeyev (4)
Click On2
p.48 (55)
denim vs cotton
sleeve – рукав
short-sleeved shirt vs T-shirt
dinner jacket
baggy trousers
polo neck jumper
checkedв клітинку (про матеріал) = картатий
casual (clothes) – «випадковий» = повсякденний одяг
suede belt
I prefer wearing casual clothes.
wedding reception – безпосередньо саме весілля
What size are you?
coast – узбережжя
Moving further north – Рухаючись далі на північ
plenty of = a lot of – багато
Will have a bright start – Матимуть яскравий початок

Andriychuk (1)
when it comes to sth
turn a deaf ear = ignore
NB: The island was known at/to/for the Spanish
ZNO № 2 (2015) Writing
Some people think that professional athletes make good role models for young people, while others believe they don’t.
It is obvious that nowadays sport is not so popular as it was about 20 years ago. A lot of people lead sedentary lifestyle which has a negative influence on their wellness. Meanwhile in our modern community professional sport still plays a significant role especially for young generation.
On the one hand Ukrainian celebrities like Klichko brothers, Shevchenko, Bubka along with international sports stars like … have been role models for a great amount of juniors. Taking into account teenager’s sensitivity and natural ability (схильність) to idealize people and events, it is clear that successful sports superstars are pretty often considered as flawless super heroes.
On the other hand professional sport is ignored since there are many other more attractive and less dangerous hobbies and activities. So, even classical things like Olympic Games are not very popular among modern teenagers and young adults.
NB: Per aspera ed astra; noblesse oblige
ZNO № 9 (2014)
undertake = do
freight car
institution = organization
maintain – continue to have

Dima (2)
Замість того, щоб займатись зараз боксом, я вчу англійську. - Instead of practicing boxing I am learning English.
Форми дієслів: 1) початкова форма; 2) інгова форма; 3) форма минулого часу; 4) форма с закінченням s/es в present simple
Do your homework. - Роби своє домашнє завдання.
Clean your teeth.
He cleans his teeth.
Mirra is always grabbing my pens.
Ми переїжджаємо в новий будинок наступного тижня
p. 6
especially - особливо
case - випадок
since - з (тих пір, як)
HW: Grammarway 4 p. 7 Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous - розібрати правила і написати переклад

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