previous: мов полуда з очей падає
today: the bottom drops/FALLS out of the market - товар перестає продаватись
next: FAMILIARITY breeds contempt
previous: полиця над каміном vs 1) відповідальність; 2) шар (мантія)
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dis - префікс, який надає слову протилежного значення: dis+appear - зникати; dis+advantage - недолік
swing - рухатись в сторони
have been - була і є
вирішувати - 1) приймати рішення - decide; 2) розв'язувати питання/проблему - solve; work out
be able to = can
possible - можливий
im+possible - неможливий
fail - зазнати поразки/невдачі
Practice makes perfect, friends! - Практика створює ідеал, друзі!
Practice makes perfect but don't forget to live and learn!
to do it all - робити це все
adult = grown-up - доросла людина
ZNO № 2 (2015)
accomplish = complete - завершити/виконати
efficiently = effectively - результативно
money-management skill - навичок керування грошима
smart - 1) (Am.) розумний; 2) (Br.) модний
allowance - кишенькові гроші підлітків
own earning - власний заробіток
state-declared - державно оголошеними
tax free - звільнений від податку
skimpy clothes - "відкритий" одяг, який демонструє багато оголених частин тіла
valuable - цінний
fellow = friend
in order to - для того, щоб
leave the boat vs leave on the boat
disembark = leave the boat
difficult - важко, складно
be seen - бути побаченим
humidity - вологість
density - густина
leaf - листок (рослини) - leaves
branch - гілка
beastly = unpleasant
harsh = hard - важкий = unpleasant
teem with sth - насичений чимось
species - вид (тварини, рослини, організмів)
What a Blast! - Як здорово!
Oh blast! - Чорт забирай
worry - хвилюватись
medieval - середньовічний
game - мисливська здобич
mead - медовуха
knowledgeable - обізнаний
a kick in the pants - шило в штанах
head for - рухатись/рушати в певному напрямку
jet-lagged - very tired
sroll - повільно йти
improve - покращувати
polish vs Polish
physical condition - фізичний стан
sore - хворий (про частину тіла)
sore throat
sore feet
sore eyes
rash - висип
catch a cold - "спіймати" застуду
cough /ko:f/ - кашель
fever - лихоманка
physician = general practitioner - терапевт
My friend is allergic to flowers. = He has an allergry to flowers.
joint - суглоб
I'm in!
dis+appear - зникати
dis+advantage - недолік
advantage - перевага
advance - аванс
in advance - заздалегідь
un+fortunate+ly - на жаль
Yaroslav (1)
skipped the class
Yaroslav (1)
skipped the class
Andriychuk (3)
ZNO № 11 (2014)
be present vs be presented
№ 1
recycling; tidiness; litter; special
containers; select waste; keep planet clean and safe
№ 2
schedule tough; dense; busy; tight;
a lot of different activities; improve four types language skills: listening;
reading; writing; speaking; discussing; depicting; make friends with a lot
students from; knowledgeable = smart; be good at; I have become much better at
composing essays, business letters and what not; experienced; skilled; dorm
№ 3
bullying; punishment; dope; selling
drugs at school; mugging – гоп-стоп;
be sentenced and
imprisoned; mass media spreads/broadcasts/shows/demonstrates; crime like sth
that easy come and easy go;
№ 4
windy; light breeze; occasional
clouds; pretty chilly/cool; considerable increase/decrease of temperature;
storm, thunder, lightning, unpredictable, outdoor/indoor activities; umbrella,
Wellingtons, fog = mist = haze, rain cats and dogs, raincoats, get wet to the
bones/through; be careful not to catch a cold
№ 5
takes a lot time; spoil eyesight,
posture; possibility to lose the sense of time and space; instant access to the
bottomless amount of data/information you look for/need; keep close ties even
with people who are far away from you; extremely educational; the ability to
share everything you consider interesting and worth watching or reading with
your friends/mate/pals/acquaintances; being a pretty reserved person I prefer
to keep my personal information unavailable; a BIG drawback/disadvantage/threat/bad/weak
point – the risk of leaking specified/private data to criminals/to the wrong
№ 6
brand new expensive leather bag with
steel locks; a present from my parents; laptop with significant information
concerning business documents/agreements/warranties/transactions/; charge cord;
map; valuable things like my daddy’s wristwatch and a precious necklace for my
№ adventure; horror; fantasy;
sci-fi; humorous; poetry; prose; classical; be worth reading
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