Saturday, June 20, 2015

Saturday June 20th 2015

Idiom: COME down on one side of the fence or the other - to make a decision between two opposing points of view - визначитись зі своїм рішенням, прийняти рішення, зробити вибір між двома протилежними думками

New Testament: everlasting fire - 

Coyote Ugly
Violet Sanford
It's excruciating
scoff - глузувати
Way to be - 
mayo - 
He owes me a favour.
I hate to burst your bubble.
I'll see if I can get off work
Look who droped by for a visit.
booth - кіоск
No matter what
I've fired girls for a lot less.
I worked my ass off for you.
Mixed conditional If you need money, you should have come to me.
How come...?
I never thought that would have been possible.
Unsolicited mail
Are you wearing cologne?
You were never a lifer.
Small town gal.
Drop your music by the club.
I'm getting this framed.
You have nothing to be afraid of.
Hey, pinhead.
You're still on probation.
Violet Sanford - Piper Perabo
Kevin O'Donnell - Adam Garcia
Bill - John Goodman
Lil - Maria Bello
Cammie - Izabella Miko
Zoe - Tyra Banks
Rachel - Bridget Moynahan

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