Friday, October 28, 2016

Friday 28th October 2016

previous: зіпсувати сюрприз/жарт = розповісти секрет
today: Two can play at that game. - Як ти зі мною, так і я з тобою.
next: poacher turned gamekeeper

previous: тик (нервовий) vs значок (галочка), яким відмічають правильне або зроблене
today:  tide vs tied - 1) морський приплив; 2) помітна зміна ситуації; 3) (суфікс) період часу певної події: святки) vs 2-га та 3-тя форми від дієслова tie - зв'язувати
next: tire vs tyre

Napa (Chinese) cabbage
a little
VOA Let’s learn English Lesson 2 ‘Hello! I am Anna!”
Hey (Гей) Pete, who (хто) is your friend?
She is Anna. She is new (новенькою) to (в) D.C. (Вашингтон)
District of Columbia = Washington
Where (Де) are (є) you (ти) from (з)? – З+відки є ти?
I am from a small town.
Welcome to D.C.
I am Jonathan. I am in apartment B4.
Marsha is my room+mate.
mate vs friend
I know Marsha. She is nice.
And I am in apartment D7.
I have (мушу) to go (йти) now (зараз).
Remember (Пам’ятай/Не забудь) to (щоб) call (подзвонити) Marsha at (на) work (роботу).
Tell (Скажи) her (їй) you (ти) are (є) here (тут)
Right (Гаразд). Thanks, Pete.
Nice to meet you.
You too. Bye.

no vs know
I know (that) you have no car.
Do you remember my name?
I can’t remember you name.
Позвольте мне помочь вам.
Let me say some+thing.
Let me in.
Let me out.
Don’t let her go.
I don’t let you give him money.
Let’s learn English. = Let us learn English. – Позволим нам/себе учить английским.
let’s vs give
us vs we
We are from Ukraine.
Igor called (позвонил) us (нам) yesterday.
Кто (Who) есть (is) там (there)? – Это (It) (есть) is мы (us), Павел и Наташа.
He has got a car. = He’s (has) got a car
He is my student. = He’s (is) my student.
This is Natasha’s car.
meet – met – met
VOA Let’s learn English: Lesson 2 ‘Hello. I am Anna.’
Hey – Эй
Эй, Пит! Кто (есть) твой друг?
What is your name? = Who are you?
Она (есть) новенька в Вашингтоне.
D.C. = District of Columbia = Washington.
Куда есть вы от/из?
mate vs friend

NB: print ‘Please, please me’
Onions make our eyes tear.
Я воспитала двух дочерей.
Цены постоянно/всегда растут.
What do you think if we learn a new song?
He pleased me yesterday.
be keen on sth = like sth very much
быть «повернутым» на чем-то
quite vs enough vs pretty vs rather
Мы есть (в) безопасности здесь. – We are safe here.
May I come in? vs Let me in.
Flash Cards ‘Fruits. Vegetables. Berries.’
fresh vs raw
great vs grate
Gol. № 54 revision
look (a word) up (in the dictionary)
serf vs surf
the + гласный/согласный звук

Vlad (4)
tense vs time
Tenses; Simple – 3; Continuous – 3; Perfect – 3; Perfect Continuous – 3.
I am listening to you. vs I have been listening to you for 20 minutes.
3-я форма (неправильних) дієслів: 1) перфекти; 2) пасив; 3) ознака завершеної дії
lose – lost - lost
I have lost my pens. (Perfect)
My pens were lost. (Passive)
I am lost. (ознака завершеної дії)
У мене є певна кількість запитань.
з’являтись vs зникати
Lightning is a sign warning/danger.
novel vs novella
This book is interesting, so I am interested to read it.
I am interesting. vs I am interested.
The movie is boring, so I am bored.
EIE № 1 t6
whether vs weather
whether vs if
bear – bore – born – 1) носити; 2) терпіти
bear vs wear vs carry
plaque vs plague

cure vs medicine vs treat+ment
shrink – shrank – shrunk
in the first place
hair of the dog
hydrate = absorb/drink liquid
ferment vs brew

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