previous: Who washed Washington's white woolen underwear when Washington's white woolen washerwoman went west?
today: The ochre ogre ogled the poker. - Червонобрунатний велетень-людожер пускав бісики на коцюБУ.
previous: DON'T count your chickens before they are hatched.
today: DON'T give up the day job! - Краще займайся тим, чим займаєшся зараз!
next: Don't hide your light under a bushel.
previous: censer vs censor vs sensor - кадило vs цензор vs датчик
today: cent vs scent vs sent - цент запах, аромат, духи past simple and past participle of 'send'
next: cereal vs serial
money [u]
time [u]
How do you find him?
Why did you employ him? - Because I had no choice
choice (n.) /чойс/ - выбор
I have employed two cooks.
I employed two cooks last week.
Petrov did not have an opportunity to go to Kiev.
Petrov had no opportunity to go to Kiev.
Which jeep is yours? = Which is your jeep?
the day before yesterday - позавчера
feel-felt-felt - чувствовать
Gol. № 25 revision
cosy - удобный
TV [u]
paper [u]
Gol. № 26 revision
around - 1) вокруг; 2) приблизительно
namely - а именно
what - питальний займенник
what - відносний займенник
what + noun - артикль не используется
Extr@ Ep.6
excited /иксайтид/ - возбужденный, взволнованный
get excited - становиться возбужденным, взволнованным
calm /ка:м/ - спокойствие
come /кам/ vs calm /ка:м/
dry cleaner's - химчистка
I have just been to see Bridget. - Я только что был, чтобы увидеть Бриджет. = Я только что был у Бриджет.
wait - ждать
rev - газовать
revving noise
ask - 1) просить (for); 2) спрашивать
lift - подвозить
shout /шаут/ - кричать
maybe /мейби/ - может быть, возможно
HW: Gol. №27; Extr@ Ep.6
Mirra (1)
Alla Nesvit 3
p.59 e.3 Read
I'm Mirra. I'm not tall but slim. My face is oval. I have got long fair hair and green eyes.
This is my friend Kate. She is not tall but slim like me. She has got long fair hair too but her eyes are grey.
Gol. № 163 Вставте дієслово to be в Present Simple
1. Яке (є) твоє ім'я? Моє ім'я (є) Ширлі Френк.
2. Яка (є) твоя адреса? Моя адреса (є) 175 Гранд Централ Парк.
6. scientist /сайєнтіст/ - вчений, науковець
Alla Nesvit 3
p.42 e.1 Read.
I have got a family. I have a father, a mother and a brother. My father is a lawyer, my mother is an attorney and my elder brother is a student. My father is thirty-eight, my mother is very young, and my brother is fifteen.
HW: Gol. № 163 (7-20) усно, але з поясненням вживання форми be
Dima (1)
Gol. № 1 Вставте артикль, де необхідно.
board = it = its colour
au /o:/ - daughter; August
gh - не вимовляються: daughter; light; high; fight; night; eight
reliable /рілаієбл/ - надійний
Це є кіт (він). Його хвіст довгий та пухнастий.
It is a cat (it). Its (його) tail
Машина = it. Її колір = Its colour
I = my
he = his
she = her
it = its
we = our
they = their
you = your
Gol. № 2 Вставте артикль, де необхідно.
generous - щедрий
I do not have any paper.
I have no paper.
Gol. № 3
the = this, these, that, those
The boys are my friends. = Those/These boys are my friends. = Ці/Ті хлопці (є) мої друзі.
bite - кусатись
HW: Gol. №4; Тема "Навколишнє середовище"
previous: Who washed Washington's white woolen underwear when Washington's white woolen washerwoman went west?
today: The ochre ogre ogled the poker. - Червонобрунатний велетень-людожер пускав бісики на коцюБУ.
previous: DON'T count your chickens before they are hatched.
today: DON'T give up the day job! - Краще займайся тим, чим займаєшся зараз!
next: Don't hide your light under a bushel.
previous: censer vs censor vs sensor - кадило vs цензор vs датчик
today: cent vs scent vs sent - цент запах, аромат, духи past simple and past participle of 'send'
next: cereal vs serial
money [u]
time [u]
How do you find him?
Why did you employ him? - Because I had no choice
choice (n.) /чойс/ - выбор
I have employed two cooks.
I employed two cooks last week.
Petrov did not have an opportunity to go to Kiev.
Petrov had no opportunity to go to Kiev.
Which jeep is yours? = Which is your jeep?
the day before yesterday - позавчера
feel-felt-felt - чувствовать
Gol. № 25 revision
cosy - удобный
TV [u]
paper [u]
Gol. № 26 revision
around - 1) вокруг; 2) приблизительно
namely - а именно
what - питальний займенник
what - відносний займенник
what + noun - артикль не используется
Extr@ Ep.6
excited /иксайтид/ - возбужденный, взволнованный
get excited - становиться возбужденным, взволнованным
calm /ка:м/ - спокойствие
come /кам/ vs calm /ка:м/
dry cleaner's - химчистка
I have just been to see Bridget. - Я только что был, чтобы увидеть Бриджет. = Я только что был у Бриджет.
wait - ждать
rev - газовать
revving noise
ask - 1) просить (for); 2) спрашивать
lift - подвозить
shout /шаут/ - кричать
maybe /мейби/ - может быть, возможно
HW: Gol. №27; Extr@ Ep.6
Mirra (1)
Alla Nesvit 3
p.59 e.3 Read
I'm Mirra. I'm not tall but slim. My face is oval. I have got long fair hair and green eyes.
This is my friend Kate. She is not tall but slim like me. She has got long fair hair too but her eyes are grey.
Gol. № 163 Вставте дієслово to be в Present Simple
1. Яке (є) твоє ім'я? Моє ім'я (є) Ширлі Френк.
2. Яка (є) твоя адреса? Моя адреса (є) 175 Гранд Централ Парк.
6. scientist /сайєнтіст/ - вчений, науковець
Alla Nesvit 3
p.42 e.1 Read.
I have got a family. I have a father, a mother and a brother. My father is a lawyer, my mother is an attorney and my elder brother is a student. My father is thirty-eight, my mother is very young, and my brother is fifteen.
HW: Gol. № 163 (7-20) усно, але з поясненням вживання форми be
Dima (1)
Gol. № 1 Вставте артикль, де необхідно.
board = it = its colour
au /o:/ - daughter; August
gh - не вимовляються: daughter; light; high; fight; night; eight
reliable /рілаієбл/ - надійний
Це є кіт (він). Його хвіст довгий та пухнастий.
It is a cat (it). Its (його) tail
Машина = it. Її колір = Its colour
I = my
he = his
she = her
it = its
we = our
they = their
you = your
Gol. № 2 Вставте артикль, де необхідно.
generous - щедрий
I do not have any paper.
I have no paper.
Gol. № 3
the = this, these, that, those
The boys are my friends. = Those/These boys are my friends. = Ці/Ті хлопці (є) мої друзі.
bite - кусатись
HW: Gol. №4; Тема "Навколишнє середовище"
Alexey (1)
безусловно – definitely
лексика, словарь по теме – vocabulary
вид деятельности – activity
причинять боль, вред – hurt
there is/are
жевать – chew
глотать – swallow
возможно – probably
догадывать – guess
зависеть от – depend ON
кусать маленькими кусочками – nibble
ridiculous –
смешной, смехотворный
Have a nibble = Have a try – Попробуй кусочек.
lap – верхняя наружная часть ноги до колена
bib – слинявчик
rib – ребро
Do you have your own room?
messy – пачкающее
thirsty – жаждущий
thirst – жажда
thirst vs first
I am thirsty – Я есть жаждущий. = Я хочу пить.
liquid – жидкость
сьорбати – sip
commonly = often
swallow – глотать
burp – отрыгивать
carbonated – газированный
beverage = any drink – напиток
ask for seconds – попросить добавить
related to – относящиеся к = имеющие отношение к
one – можно использовать как местоимение, чтобы не
повторять уже упомянутое слово.
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