previous: One-One was a racehorse. Two-Two was one too. When One-One won one race, Two-Two won one, too.
today: Sam's shop stocks short spotted socks.
previous: Don't hold your breath.
today: DON'T shoot the messenger. - Не вбивай кур'єра.
next: done up/dressed up like a dog's dinner
previous: cheap vs cheep
today: check vs cheque - 1) швидко перевірити, що щось є правильним, безпечним, чи відповідним; 2) зупинити когось або щось від виконання чогось, зупинити розвиток; 3) (ам.) залишити щось на когось у певному місці; 4) (ам.) узгоджуватись, збігатись з попередньою інформацією; 5) (ам.) позначити щось галочкою; 6) поставити шах vs банківський чек
next: choir vs quire
previous: freedom
today: human rights - права людини
Мова - ДНК нації:
сьогодні: хутровИй vs хутрянИй
Helen (1,5) (4)
One-One was a racehorse. Two-Two was a racehorse too. When One-One won one race, Two-Two won one race, too.
race - 1) перегони; 2) (людська) раса
I will take your remark into consideration.
king+dom - королівство
bore+dom - нудьга
You have it but not enough
My attitude to you remains the same.
attitude - 1) ставлення; 2) поведінка
be going to - мати намір щось зробити
board games: "Age stone", "Trains", "Munchkin"
via = through = with the help of
deliver - доставляти
intrigue - зацікавити, заінтригувати
have been - Present Perfect
been intrigued - Passive Voice
You definitely eat
retire /рітайер/ - йти на пенсію за віком або станом здоров'я
She retired in 1987.
ire /айер/: fire, hire, retire
fair vs fire
She has been retired for 10 years.
Helen is an attorney. She has been an attorney for 5 years.
fishnet stockings
net - сітка, мережа
Gol. № 110
Not a word.
belong - належати
Is there anything behind the curtain?
behind - за чимось, позаду якогось об'єкта
14. There is nothing there. = There is not anything there.
17. Are there any books by Jack London in our library?
19. The next day my brother knew everyone/everybody.
dining car = restaurant car
Is there anything (that) I can do for you?
There is/are - вживається щоб показати існування об'єкта, явища взагалі або щоб показати місце розташування об'єкта.
There are a lot of different types of music.
There are two orchids on your window-sill.
Thank you for your persistence.
Mirra (2)
Their dog never bites.
Gol. №163
Are you engineers?
Are you an engineer?
you - ти
you - ви (до групи людей)
you - ви (поважне звертання до дорослої людини)
typist /тайпіст/ друкар(ка)
painter - художник
fine - чудовий
much - багато
paper - папір
shelf - полиця
nice /найс/ - 1) гарний; 2) приємний
It is nice to see you.
HW: Gol. № 164 (письмово)
This is my classroom. It is big and light. There are three large windows. We have many desks for pupils and one desk for a teacher. Also there is a big green board on the front wall. The walls of our classroom are white and pink. We like our classroom very much.
One-One was a racehorse. Two-Two was a racehorse too. When One-One won one race, Two-Two won one race, too.
previous: One-One was a racehorse. Two-Two was one too. When One-One won one race, Two-Two won one, too.
today: Sam's shop stocks short spotted socks.
previous: Don't hold your breath.
today: DON'T shoot the messenger. - Не вбивай кур'єра.
next: done up/dressed up like a dog's dinner
previous: cheap vs cheep
today: check vs cheque - 1) швидко перевірити, що щось є правильним, безпечним, чи відповідним; 2) зупинити когось або щось від виконання чогось, зупинити розвиток; 3) (ам.) залишити щось на когось у певному місці; 4) (ам.) узгоджуватись, збігатись з попередньою інформацією; 5) (ам.) позначити щось галочкою; 6) поставити шах vs банківський чек
next: choir vs quire
previous: freedom
today: human rights - права людини
Мова - ДНК нації:
сьогодні: хутровИй vs хутрянИй
Helen (1,5) (4)
One-One was a racehorse. Two-Two was a racehorse too. When One-One won one race, Two-Two won one race, too.
race - 1) перегони; 2) (людська) раса
I will take your remark into consideration.
king+dom - королівство
bore+dom - нудьга
You have it but not enough
My attitude to you remains the same.
attitude - 1) ставлення; 2) поведінка
be going to - мати намір щось зробити
board games: "Age stone", "Trains", "Munchkin"
via = through = with the help of
deliver - доставляти
intrigue - зацікавити, заінтригувати
have been - Present Perfect
been intrigued - Passive Voice
You definitely eat
retire /рітайер/ - йти на пенсію за віком або станом здоров'я
She retired in 1987.
ire /айер/: fire, hire, retire
fair vs fire
She has been retired for 10 years.
Helen is an attorney. She has been an attorney for 5 years.
fishnet stockings
net - сітка, мережа
Gol. № 110
Not a word.
belong - належати
Is there anything behind the curtain?
behind - за чимось, позаду якогось об'єкта
14. There is nothing there. = There is not anything there.
17. Are there any books by Jack London in our library?
19. The next day my brother knew everyone/everybody.
dining car = restaurant car
Is there anything (that) I can do for you?
There is/are - вживається щоб показати існування об'єкта, явища взагалі або щоб показати місце розташування об'єкта.
There are a lot of different types of music.
There are two orchids on your window-sill.
Thank you for your persistence.
Mirra (2)
Their dog never bites.
Gol. №163
Are you engineers?
Are you an engineer?
you - ти
you - ви (до групи людей)
you - ви (поважне звертання до дорослої людини)
typist /тайпіст/ друкар(ка)
painter - художник
fine - чудовий
much - багато
paper - папір
shelf - полиця
nice /найс/ - 1) гарний; 2) приємний
It is nice to see you.
HW: Gol. № 164 (письмово)
This is my classroom. It is big and light. There are three large windows. We have many desks for pupils and one desk for a teacher. Also there is a big green board on the front wall. The walls of our classroom are white and pink. We like our classroom very much.
One-One was a racehorse. Two-Two was a racehorse too. When One-One won one race, Two-Two won one race, too.
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