Rexsoft Team
Julia Sychova
Present Perfect with ‘live’, ‘work’, ‘be’ can describe unfinished action.
I have worked for ‘Rexsoft’ for 5 months. - Я працюю на “Рекссофт” впродовж п’яти місяців.
I have lived in Khmelnitsky since I was three. - Я живу в Хмельницькому з трьох років.
We have been here since 9 am. - Ми (є) тут з дев’ятої ранку.
detached house
I’ve been at work the whole day.
Yesterday I completed a task which I took from a backend developer.
The task was to display an uploaded вихідну image in the modal window.
To do this/it, I used the ‘Atom IDE’.
JS Variables
I called. vs I was called.
Passive: be + verb+ed/3
He has been punished for his crime by a judge. vs A judge has punished him for his crime.
Present Perfect: have/has + verb+ed/3
Ya hochu yisti.
Valera Snizhko
grammar tenses revision
have/has vs have/has got
won’t vs want
Ronnie ‘be going to’ vs ‘future continuous’
Lesya Mala
Я відволікся.
Я звернув увагу на відвідувачів. - I’ve paid attention to some visitors. vs Some visitors have caught my eye.
Зараз піде дощ.
Той чоловік зараз впаде.
Він зараз з’їсть свій сандвіч.
possible newest recruit
be in charge vs take charge
a bit like this = stuff like that
fabric vs factory vs manufacturer
imitation plastic fruits manufacturers
to keep the business running smoothly
She is still being interviewed.
be + verb+ed/3
maybe vs possible + noun
проходити інтерв’ю на посаду = проходити інтерв’ю для посади
vocation vs position vs job
except for vs apart from
verb to infinitive (початкова форма дієслова)
in the plastic fruits sector
good + noun vs well + verb
Well said, Lesya.
who we heard here
heard vs heart
він змушений взяти відповідальність = він бере відповідальність
must vs have (got) to
Зупинились на … a bit like this…
breathing room
pack rat
jump on the bandwagon
see eye to eye with
keep you on your toes
bigger fish to fry
Alexander Dzyadik
feel vs fill
bigger fish to fry
live vs leave - left - left
А ще залишився чай?
There is no vodka left.
This is his cup. Its color is red.
No, it’s all gone.
Order of adjectives: 1) quantity; 2) quality; 3) size; 4) age; 5) shape; 6) color; 7) Proper adjective; 8) purpose
Oleg Scopets
Я (є) неозброний.
predict = foresee
predicate (2)
principle vs principal
Dr. Brand
It’s pretty clear you don’t want any visitors.
I lent as much as I could.
I haven’t been at home yet. vs I wasn’t at home yet.
kit vs set vs collection
first-aid kit
aid = help
some vs thumb
decide vs solve
search vs look for vs seek
1) запланированная встреча; 2) назначение (на должность)
peace vs piece vs peas
a piece of + uncountable noun
I guess vs I suppose vs I think
fit them as best as we can
be going to
go a long way
defeat кого-то vs win что-то
fold vs unfold
run-down = very old
schack vs shop
‘No strings attached’
1) клеить; 2) палочка
stick - stuck - stuck
Has your daddy ever stuck in the mud?
We use a stapler to attach sheets of papers.
need to verb
strings attached - special demands or limitations
customer = buyer
restrict = limit
hide - hid - hidden
I owe an apology/favour
split vs break
pan down
‘love to rob’
license plate
бронированный злодей
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