Monday, April 24, 2017

Monday 24th April 2017

Rexsoft Team
Ruslan Gutsaluk
NB: practice Past Continuous
run - ran - run (3)
Present Simple: I/We/You/They run every morning.
This morning I have run three kilometers.
Maria Ivanivna runs our school.
control vs manage vs run
run out of sth
Honey, we’re running out of sugar.
Yesterday on his way back home my neighbour (сусід) ran out of petrol.
Є/існує = Там є/існує
1) щойно; 2) лише/тільки
full vs -ful
It is 9:44 am. You are having an English lesson. vs Yesterday at 9:44 am I was having an English lesson.
fridge = refrigerator

Sergey Kornitskiy
boils down to
take sth out on sb
be neither fish nor fowl
have a lot on your plate
go off the deep end
turn the tables - развернуть ситуацию в свою сторону/так, чтобы тебе было выгодно

mutual = shared

Oleg Scopets
man vs drive vs fly vs pilot
mean = be meant to do sth = to intend = to be going to do sth = be about to do sth
We had to endure a nine-day delay at the airport.
strange vs strength
sustain = support (life)
That doesn’t even qualify as futile.
barely vs hardly
He hardly ate anything.
I barely left the stratoshpere.

Olga Zagurska
get = move
ing form (3)
heed = attention
heedless the risks
get into
get out of
get up
get down
I tried to get in the cinema
technical description
SEO - search engine optimization
afford - let - allow
password recovery/reset system

Olga Yatsyuk
I am fine every time when I have pretty students.
tables of tenses
Present Simple: I/We/You/They + verb. He/She/It + verb+s/es. I/We/You/They do+not + verb. He/She/It + do+es+not + verb.
He swims. He doesn’t swim.
am, is, are
have - I/We/You/They
has - He/She/It
Це коштує 300 доларів США.
Liz has (got) two English lessons a week.
get - got - got
У нього є. = Він має.

Volodia Vevdiuk
How is it going? - It is going well/fine, thank you.
вирішувати (проблеми) - solve, work out, sort out
I will help to work your problem out.
1) коробка (валіза); 2) випадок
all vs everything
everything = it + verb+s/es
couple = pair
1) щоб; 2) напрям руху; 3) частка між дієсловами

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