Rexsoft Team
Ruslan Gutsaluk
NB: форми дієслова be та have
do – did – done – 1) робити (щось); 2) допоміжне дієслово для Present Simple та Past Simple.
Let’s learn English!
I can’t because I am doing my task.
I had one task from Lesya.
Завдання полягало в тому, щоб… = Завдання було, щоб… - The task was (було) to (щоб) add one button for a website.
This button has a function to call a form for communicating with a call manager. = This button helps to connect with a call manager. The task was completed on time.
Another task I had from Sabrina. The task was to create a website. To (Щоб) do (зробити) that (то) I used two tools: CMS WordPress and framework “Genesis”. I used “Genesis” because it was a client’s request (прохання/запит).
The third task was from Sabrina too (також). The task was to fix one bag in the project ‘Quantum Listing’. The form to create a property did not work well.
one vs the first
two vs the second
three vs the third
four vs the four+th
five vs the fifth
six vs the sixth
seven vs the seventh
eight vs the eighth
nine vs ninth
ten vs the tenth
twenty = the twentieth
fourth vs force
Alexander Pishcheyko
Preset Perfect: have/has + verb+ed/3
Present Perfect: вказує на завершену дію, з видимими або відчутними наслідками.
I have run 3 kilometeres.
I have eaten my breakfast.
Present Perfect (що зроблено) vs Past Simple (коли зроблено)
Passive: be + verb+ed/3
be – was/were – been
Unlike HTML, CSS and JS, PHP code is executed on the server side.
хворий vs грубий (об’єм)
це (вказівне) vs це (невказівне)
a disease of the nervous system of animals
My last task was to add icons to the admin panel side bar menu. The project’s name is ‘Ultraziz’. Some ‘green’(incompetent) manager didn’t correctly estimate the project.
In the beginning, the project was developed by two programmers, me and Bohdan.
Then VS joined (приєднався) to our team. = Then VS became a member of our team.
After that we had some conflicts related (відносні) to ‘Ultraziz’.
As a result, I and Bohdan lost about two weeks of real time.
I developed a site. vs I develop a site.
A site will be developed.
A site is developed.
A site was developed.
Це (є) я. – This/It is me.
Volodia Vevdiuk
My last task was the redesign of the Rexsoft website . We upgraded the pages such as (такі як) home, about, hire us, cases and affiliate . In fact, we completely (повністю) rewrote some pages and added /едид/ new pages. We optimized /оптімайзд/ images, html tags (we deleted tags (that) were not used). Also we minified JS code (added some new functions).
One of the subtask was to enlarge/up points google page speed. The first google recommendation was to enable cache and set its maximum age.
Can you spell (назвати по літерах) it?
tion – робить з дієслова іменник
coma vs comma
some vs several
Ukraine is a developing country.
The USA is a highly developed country.
When I don’t specific tasks I develop myself and plan my personal sprint.
Пріоритет селекторів/вага селекторів
Olga Zagurska
another vs other vs the other
last vs last
English at Work ‘The Crisis’
be pleased
tower vs towel
Igor has bought a new car.
Igor may have bought a new car.
may vs might
explore vs study
had better
look through
shirty = annoyed
silly = stupid
sensible vs sensitive
be good at sth
Artem Pianykh
snow job
shake vs nod
English Test Level 5
встречать в штыки
пошевелить извилиной
sneer vs snigger vs jeer
Oleg Scopets
breathe vs breeze
sick vs thick
sin vs thin
count your blessings
put on sth vs get dressed
Where is Masha? – She is getting dressed.
It matters to me.
Look! The car is going to crash!
Look out, Mr! You are going to fall down.
pillow – an object you can lay your head on
head for = go
That’s it! (2)
Oh, you think this is funny? Huh?
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