Thursday, April 27, 2017

Thursday 27th April 2017

Rexsoft Team
Lesya Mala
diligent = hardworking
I’m busy as a bee.
approving vs disapproving
Wait! vs Hold on/tight!
Last time Ruslan used Laravel instead of WordPress.
1) натомість; 2) замість (чогось/когось)
“Ларавель” дозволяє прискорити процес створення проекту.
the development of the project = the project development
Для узгодження часів при утворенні непрямої мови потрібно, щоб дієслово головного речення було в past simple.
I will help you. vs Artem told me (that) he would help us.

Direct Speech
Indirect/Reported Speech
past simple
I completed my tasks.
past perfect
He told me (that) he had completed his tasks.
present simple
I am happy.
past simple
He thought (that) he was happy.
future simple
She will be a great pianist.
His music teacher told his mum (that) her daughter would be a great pianist.

tune = melody

Olga Yatsyuk
How are your daughters? - They are fine, thank you.
Have you got any (будь-які) pets? = Do you have any pets?
Peter has not got any pets. = Peter does not have any pets.
What pets do you have? - We have three pets. They are a rabbit, a hamster, and a cat.
What breed is your cat? - She is Scottish Straight. Her name is Olivia.
How old is she? - She is one (year old).
My congratulations! vs Happy Birthday (to her)!
Continuous: be + verb+ing
I - my
we - our
you - your
they - their
he - his
she - her
it - its

Julia Sychova
Future Simple: 1) спонтанне рішення; 2) прогноз на майбутнє
Present Simple: timetable
Present Continuous: schedules = fixed arrangements in the near future
It was 11:26 am yesterday. You were having English at 11:26 am yesterday. You were doing exercise number 3.
We had been eating our dinner for 20 minutes when mum/mom came home.
eat - ate - eaten
789 - Seven ate Nine.

Olga Zagurska
get (take) = travel
event system = calendar
promo banner
take into account
project prototypes
presale stage
собираем требования - add up demands
the same understanding = see eye to eye with each other
back to the drawing board

Volodia Vevdiuk
colon vs column
forward slash
next vs following
I appreciate it.

Dima Havriluk
rale (sound)
a useful/practical tip
few friends vs little money
1) де; 2) куди
You seem sad. vs You look sad.
It seems to me that you look sad.
війна+n - попереджати
My mum is very kind.
English at Work ‘Introduction’
Hold tight = Hold on.
as long as
будь впевненою, не нахабною
I’m particularly proud of...
Timekeeping is good for me.

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