previous: давати належну відсіч в суперечці/бійці = давати здачі
today: GIVE it a rest - Припини це! (коли тебе роздратовує те, що каже або робить інша людина)
next: give sb a dose/taste of their own medicine
previous: whealed??? vs колісний (транспортний засіб)
today: which vs witch - 1) який з (питання); 2) той, що/який (додає інформацію) vs відьма
next: whig vs wig
Rexsoft Team
Volodia CEO
How do you find the weather today?
It is cold enough (достатньо) to (щоб) freeze the balls off a brass (мідний) monkey.
I am here (тут) to (щоб) teach/improve (покращувати) your English.
to 1) частка між дієсловами; 2) напрям руху; 3) щоб
I want to buy a new car.
turn off = switch off
take off –
1) знімати (одяг); 2) злітати (про
off vs of
What make (модель) did you buy? – I bought Mitshubishi.
buy – bought – bought
Yesterday I went to Kyiv.
go – went – gone
What is your responsibility (відповідальність) here? – I am responsible for this company.
What are your duties (обов’язки)?
respond vs answer – відповідати
Dima Havriluk
WordPress developer
capitalized – велика літера
Do you mind if…? – No, I don’t.
I need your piece of advice (порада).
advice vs advise
piece vs peace
a piece of sth
seal - запечатати
manage = can
Filter on date.
recent vs new
How long have you been married? – (I
have been married) for a year and a half.
У моєї тещі була проблема зі Скайпом. =
Моя теща мала проблеми зі Скайпом.
wait vs expect
expect = hope
Alexander Pishcheiyko
Alexander Pishcheiyko
How do you find? vs How did you
personnel = staff
respond vs answer
responsive – quick to act
meet the needs – зустріти потреби = задовольнити потреби
Past Perfect – had + verb+ed/3
buy – bought – bought
do – did – done
What are you responsible for (in
this company)?
back-end developer
Back-end is sth that a client/user
doesn’t see.
Back-end includes many different
aspects like correlation/interaction between a site and a user.
A user makes/performs/does an action and then a site responds to this action
the = this/that/those/these
a/an = one + якийсь
PHP means/stands for Hypertext Preprocessor
Hypertext is a text that is bigger
than it seems (здається).
Hypertext is a text with links
let – let – let = permit = allow [елау]
let’s = let us
we vs us
fizzy drinks
too – 1) занадто; 2) теж
excite (приїжджає улюблена рок-зірка) vs worry (жінки довго
немає з роботи)
hypersensitive vs responsive
PHP is a language.
Alexander Korol
Atom is simpler than PHPStorm.
It is simpler to customize Atom than
crash down
Фразові дієслова – дієслово + прийменник =
нове окреме значення
What do I need to create a new
This summer (літо) I tried (намагався) to create my site.
click the right/left mouse
Left side bar is a tree of a project
check/uncheck a checkbox
What would (би) you advise me?
hack – 1) cut; 2) manage to succeed
open source project
hyphen – риска
by accident – випадково
PHPStorm supports the limited number
of programming languages while (тоді, як) Atom
supports any languages powered by a community
іменник + s/es = множину
дієслово + s/es = дію виконує
регулярно третя особа однини (він/вона/воно)
She/He/It supports
I/We/You/They support
To make it easier
Eugen Petruk
Eugen Petruk
UX and UI designer
stand for = mean
UX stands for User Experience
UI stands for User Interface
Do you mind if I …?
innate gift
take into account
request vs demand vs need
take place
allow vs let vs permit
Let’s = Let us
Olexiy Balabotkin
Olexiy Balabotkin
stand for = mean
ModX and WordPress
manage/administrate/control web sites
copper vs brass
iron vs steel
I have been worked. vs I have been
respond vs answer
The young Pope.
replace vs reinstall
wind vs wind
Oleg Scopets
respond vs answer
meet the needs
слово pronunciation
a few vs a little
few vs little
Do you have some money to go to the
cinema with us? – Yes, a little. J vs Yes, but little. L
Do you have some friends here? Yes,
a few. J
Yes, but few. L
How do you find the company? vs How
did you find the company?
Я створюю модулі, які є призначені/націлені/орієнтовані
для певного логічного функціонала на проекті. – I create modules (which/that are) aimed to/for/at some logic functionality of a project.
He aimed at them and shot.
This module is aimed to improve the
connection with a user.
the = this/that/those/these
a/an = one+якийсь
which vs that vs who
This building (which was) built in
1921 is a famous theatre.
I will go to Kyiv. vs He told me
(that) he would go to Kyiv.
I do sports. vs He told me (that) he
did sports.
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