Friday, December 9, 2016

Friday 9th December 2016

previous: 1) підсадити когось = допомогти комусь перелізти; 2) допомогти комусь покращити їхню ситуацію, особливо, на роботі
today: GIVE sb a piece of your mind - насваритись на когось, тому вони зробили щось неправильно
next: give sb a run for their money

previous: 1) скиглити; 2) скиглення vs вино
today: whirl vs whorl - 1) кружляти по колу; 2) коловорот, метушня; 3) вихор, виток vs 1) ролик веретена; 2) виток; 3) завиток; 4) завитушка; 5) колотівка
next: whirled vs world

New stuff:
I don't often get a lift to work.
associate = colleague
Most of the time my emails are not urgent.

Rexsoft Team
runny nose
Jira = tasks to 1) backend developers; 2) frontend developers; 3) designers
backend developers: make sites dynamic; logic of work; carts, functionalities
frontend developers: turn a picture into a code = code pictures
designers: макет - model
є = існують - there is/are
It takes 3-4 days to complete them.
put on hold = put on ice
promote = advert
little - less - the least
ad+verb = adjective + verb
big - bigger - the biggest
heavy - heavier
polite - more polite - the most polite
each of us
технічні завдання в проекті
explain vs describe
take pictures
owe vs fault
I owe you 10 hrivnas.
It is not my fault that you are late.
I was give the second name when I was baptised.

Volodia Kleshko
real-time application
Minerva data analytics program
audience = customers
is situated
The state/process of development can last long/take long time/hours to be/get finished
It is undergoing development
are connected vs are correlated
Many files depend on each other???
entities are posts and comments
First/Firstly/To start with
A server decides where to send a message.
a/an = one + якийсь
артикль СТОСУЄТЬСЯ іменника
an MSS file
I know how to tie a tie.
I know how to plant a plant.
She is beautiful.
coffee vs a coffee
I drink coffee every morning.
I drank a (cup of) coffee this morning.
the = this/that/those/these - ЦЕЙ/ЦЯ/ЦІ
Цей цукор є несолодкий

Irina Zinchuk
What do you do here (тут)?
I am an HR manager.
'H' stands for (означати) 'human'
human - 1) людина (як істота); 2) людський (як прикметник)
I am a teacher.
'R' stands for 'resource'
I search IT professionals like (як) backend developers,  frontend developers, designers, etc.
How do you search them (їх)?
I search them with the help of (пошукових програм) searching programs.
Дев'яте (чого) грудня - Ninth of December
Їм не подобається це. = Вони не люблять це.

Oleg Scopets
NB: books about astronomy, science fiction
How is it going? = How are you?
It’s all going well, thank you.
What is the correct name of your occupation? – I am a programmer.
It is wet.
framework – a set tools
Favourite framework is Laravel (is intended for the development of web applications).
It has taken the top position among other frameworks for two years.
I live in Khmelnitsky. vs I have lived in Khmelnitsky for all my life.
I had lived in Khmelnitsky for 10 years when I met my wife.
Have you (ever) seen/watched ‘The Titanic’?
film vs movie
cinema vs movie theater
Past Simple vs Present Perfect
I have washed my hands. vs I washed my hands two minutes ago.
have – 1)
It is happening (now).
It has happened though.
though vs but
take place vs happen

Artem Osyadliy
NB: HTML video tutorial
take – took – taken
This morning you took your snack/lunch and went to work.
to – 1) напрям руху; 2) частка між дієсловами; 3) щоб
lead – led – led (2-3 форми – завершена дія)
верстка – PSD into HTML
Artem converts PhotoShop files into HTML files
Now you are converting a PSD file into an HTML file.
наш - our
1) твій) 2) ваш 3) ваш
їхнє - their
цього об’єкта
I have got a bike. vs I have a bike. vs I got a bike.
have – had – had
eat – ate – eaten
ate = eight (8)
toy – іграшка

Dima Havriluk
y – 1) yes; 2) heavy; 3) my
CMS – content management system
collaborative environment
labor vs work
co- = спів-
very vs vary = differ- розрізнятись
Tastes differ.
wide vs white
wide = broad – широкий
CMS є розроблений щоб – CMS is designed to
major – головний
allow – дозволяти
even – навіть

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