previous: допомогти комусь
today: not GIVE a tinker's cuss - бути байдужим до когось/чогось
next: to give the devil his due
previous: скорочення від you will vs Різдво (літературне)
Phrasal verbs:
today: act up - 1) погано поводитись (зазвичай, про дитину); 2) погано/нестабільно працювати (про пристрій/машину); 3) боліти (про частину тіла)
next: act like
Rexsoft Team
Alexander Korol (backend developer)
day off
To know the way (дорога/шлях/спосіб) (how) PHP works you can ask Google.
find out = learn
find [файнд] – found – found
What is it?
What colour/size is it?
Builders barred my window yesterday.
So, I have a barred window now.
soap (opera)
would [вуд]
ea – 1) [і:] clean; 2) [е] heavy, weather; 3) [еі] great, break
риска vs тире
by accident = accidently
Present Simple: I/We/You/They + develop; He/She/It develops
be – Present Simple = am/is/are
study [стаді] vs student [стюдент]
якщо файл не був включений – if file was not included
can = may
acronym (NATO) vs abbreviation (PHP)
PHP code is interpreted by web
server with the help of an interpreter.
embedded/built-in interpreter
a web server processes a client’s request
and transfer it to an interpreter.
Alexander Pishcheiyko
Alexander Pishcheiyko
How is it going? = How are you?
How do you do? – Формальне вітання/знайомство вперше з людиною
Not bad, thanks.
It is all going well, thank you.
1) просити; 2) запитувати
Sasha asked me to come/to help him.
arm – рука
arm vs hand
armed forces – озброєні сили
handle –
1) ручка (дверна); 2) контролювати
ситуацію = успішно її вирішувати
handlers in PHP and JS.
employ sb – наймати когось на роботу
have – 1) володіти; 2) допоміжне дієслово в Perfectних часах; 3) певна дія (прийняття їжі, напоїв, душ, ванну, урок, проблеми)
I have just had a lesson of English.
I do my work from Monday to Friday.
I do not do my work on weekends.
Do як допоміжне дієслово використовується в Past Simple: (did) I did not do my
work last Sunday. Did you do your work last Sunday?
Do як допоміжне дієслово використовується в Present Simple (регулярна дія): Do you develop sites at work? Does he/she/it
develop sites at work? It does not develop sites.
I did my work on Friday and went
home. vs I had done my work BEFORE I went home on Friday.
responsive vs adaptive sites
Sergey Kornitsky (frontend developer)
Sergey Kornitsky (frontend developer)
NB: LEARN Java Script
node = an HTML element
href stands for hypertext reference
attribute is unnecessary
hyphen vs dash
opacity vs transparency
A site without the head tag is going
to be underrated. The rate of your site will fall and the functionality will
Був репресований
Volodia Gachkovsky (full stack developer)
Volodia Gachkovsky (full stack developer)
HTML questions
node.js – run-time platform
Artem Pianykh
graphic editors: PhotoShop, Adobe
span tag
div means block
Дай вайд 50.
The width is specified 50%
go off
Volodia Vevdyuk
NB: Family personalities; Murphy U2
You have had your hair cut. vs You
have cut your hair.
отримувати (пошту)
збирати інфу
plugin Emmet (ZenCoding)
[! and tab] command to build a start
a bar of chocolate
barred windows
-tion – робить з дієслова іменник
Constitution, revolution
built-in, embedded, integrated
think – thought – thought
1) річ; 2) об’єкт
Don’t say such (такі) things.
They do bad things.
I am familiar with these text and
graphic editors.
I am familiar with Igor. = I know
which – який (з)
consist of = include
compare – порівнювати
headline vs heading
hold – hold – hold – тримати
put on hold
Paragraph element (<p> tag)
holds texts, images, links, etc.
Yeah! = Yes!
also – також
just –
1) лише; 2) просто
Він є такий веселий.
so + прикметник = такий + сумний/веселий/злий
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