Monday, January 30, 2017

Monday 30th January 2071

today: vanish/GO up/disappear in a puff of smoke - несподівано та повністю зникнути
next: watch the world go by

Phrasal verbs:
today: crack down (on) - суворо розправлятися з кимось/чимось
next: cross out

Tongue twisters:
today: The third Thursday of this month is the thirteenth.
next: Theodore Thrustle threw thirty-three thimbles into a thicket of thistles.

Rexsfot Team
Volodia Kanyuka
1) Тема для розмови; 2) об’єкт; 3) шкільний предмет; 4) підмет
I/We/You/they/he/she/it are subject pronouns.
He flies regularly. Vs I can see many flies on the wall.
Scale vs degree – градус
Her breed is called British Shorthair.
They breed cats. Vs They breed different breeds of cats.
Перебірливий клієнт.
Prefer – надавати перевагу
Sonia prefers rabbit, fish and chicken. So she is choosy.
Broadcast – транслювати
Join vs enjoy
Learn vs study vs teach
Know vs learn
Learn – learnt/learned vs learnt/learned
Could [куд] – 1) міг (у минулому); 2) міг би (зараз)
Manufactur vs produce
1) Збиратись щось робити; 2) ось-ось відбудеться = зараз
You are going to open a new office now.
You were going to open a new office last month.
Володя намагається керувати своїм бізнесом «гладенько».
This desk has a smooth surface.
Let’s see. Let’s try [трай] – намагатись/пробувати
Let’s = Let us – Давайте ми
We vs us
They called us.
Це були ми з Ігорем.
Step is a popular dance.
I step into my office every morning.
Let’s eavesdrop.
BBC Learning English ‘English at work’ Ep.0 ‘An introduction’
TTT produces plastic fruits.
Anna tries to have/get a job/position of a Sales Executive.
Paul is a TTT manager/CEO. He is a nice guy, a little disorganized, but when things (речі/справи) go wrong (не так) he takes charge.
Почнемо з того, що; Перша за все; Для початку
Match – 1) пара; 2) футбольний матч; 3) сірник; 4) з’єднувати
Match vs much
Spend – spent – spent – 1) витрачати гроші; 2) проводити час ПОЗИТИВНО
Several = some
Get on with sb = have good relations (стосунки) with sb – мати добрі стосунки з кимось

Alexander Pishcheyko
1)wish; 2) desire; 3) wanting
it’s vs its
He is nervous.
He tires me. vs He tired me yesterday.
My work tired me yesterday, so I was tired.
of [ov]
The thirtieth of January
He/She/It + verb+s/es. – регулярна дія = Present Simple
I/We/You/They + verb. – регулярна дія = Present Simple
здаватись = руки опускати
подарунок vs 1) презентувати; 2) вести програму
Alexander knows how to tie a tie.
It was a heavy rain.
It rained heavily yesterday.
chips (Br.) = French fries (free) (Am.)
chips (Am.) = crisps (Br.)
below = under
output = result
PHP5 Introduction
should – слід/бажано (порада)
should vs advice vs tip
already – вже

Volodia Vevdyuk
вступ = знайомство
Let me introduce myself.
HTML stands for …
HTML Introduction
simple – простий
src = source
explain – пояснювати
keys vs kiss
c – 1)c+i/e/y [s] – city, central, cycle, accept; 2) [k] car, cat, candle, cool, clean
specify vs specifies BUT play vs plays
HTML5 can contain an <article> </article> tag and according to the new standards every article can contain an <h1> tag.
surround – оточувати
HTML tags are element names surrounded by angle brackets.
of – кого/чого
by – ким/чим 

Sergey Kornitskiy
head shot
corn mash

Alexander Korol
Alexander codes codes.
floating point
Studying programming languages demands patience.
happy vs happen – відбуватись
It is happening. vs It happens.
Now every person has a mobile telephone.
Темнішає. Мені включити світло?

Rest API and RESTfull API
let sb have an opportunity vs give an opportunity vs provide an opportunity
strictly declared
frankly vs honestly – щиро
типу – a kind of
chuckle vs laugh vs smile
explode vs explosion

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