Monday, January 16, 2017

Monday 16th January 2017

previous: (отри)мати або зробити все, що ти бажаєш у певній ситуації
today: GO to great lengths - прикласти максимум зусиль, щоб отримати або досягти чогось
next: go under the knife

Phrasal verbs:
previous: 1) ставати популярним; 2) зрозуміти
today: catch up (with) - 1) досягти/наздогнати (когось/щось); 2) побалакати/обмінятись інформацією з людиною, яку ти знаєш 
next: check in(to)

Tongue twisters:
previous: Richard is in the kitchen fetching some cheese for the children; Rose has two red rulers from her friend in the room.
today: Rumbling in the chimneys, rattling at the doors, round the roofs and round the roads the rude wind roars, raging through the darkness, raving through the trees, racing off again across the great, grey seas.
next: Seven slick, slimy snakes sliding slowly southward.

Rexsoft Team
Alexander Korol (backend developer)
Alexander codes/writes many codes every day.
Present Simple – регулярна дія; постійний стан/володіння
soap opera
heavy bag vs hard material/rock/life/times
буквально: 1) важкий предмет – heavy; 2) твердий предмет – hard
The 16th of January
It is very kind of you to come.
This code was written by Alexander.
patient vs patience
1) пацієнт; 2) терпляча (людина)
Writing codes demands patience.
Dota is a top-down perspective game while Counter-Strike is a first person shooter.
Present Continuous: am/is/are + verb+ing
I am code+ing. = I am write+ing a code.
I write a code. vs I am writing a code.

Alexander Pishcheiyko
past lesson = last lesson
The last time (when) I saw was two years ago.
It was her last wish.
Присвійні займенники.
It is a desk. Its color is white.
My neighbour had hangover last morning
ward+robe – шафа для одягу
Were you at work past Friday?
were vs where
you – 1) ти; 2) ви (однина); 3) ви (множина)
I am so happy!!! I am in cloud nine.
Він нервується.
Він хворіє.
Він запізнився (зараз) = Він запізнюється.
He is five minutes late.
He is having a bath (ванна).
1) втомлювати; 2) втомлюватись
My previous work tired me. So I am tired.
I am happy.
The 16th of January.
a branch of Git
take off – 1) знімати одяг; 2) злітати (про літак)
світлішати (про добу)
темнішати (про добу)

Valera Snizhko
They named their son after his grandpa.
All in the name of R’n’R.
hot vs heat
a piece of furniture/art/music/news
the news
fixed arrange+ment
essay vs composition

Eugene Petruk
act up – 1) not work properly; 2) behave badly
act like = copy
add up – 1) increase (збільшувати) sth; 2) be reasonable
add up to sth – 1) result (in); 2) total
ask sb out = invite sb somewhere
back down = admit you were wrong
threat vs  treat
back off
scene vs episode vs series
traffic jam vs back up
back up = add up (about transport)
back sth up – prove sth is true
back sth/sb up – support sth/sb

Artem Pianykh
ill at ease
act up – 1) child; 2) car; 3) part of your body
act like - copy
add up – 1) increase; 2) be reasonable
beg off – ask to be allowed not to do sth

Volodia Vevdyuk
look through = review
some vs several (злічувальне)
drag vs pull vs draw
name vs call
It is called
some vs certain [се:(р)тн]
certain vs particular vs definite – певний/конкретний
to do board vs in progress board
I calculate/compute/evaluate/estimate time needed to complete/do the task.
Volodia uses IDE.
CSS framework
When I finished/completed my task I had to log in time used/spent on that task.
spend – spent – spent
then = after that
QA board

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