Saturday, August 29, 2015

Saturday 29th August 2015

Idiom: you could CUT the atmoshpere with a knife - повітря можна ножем різати


Cambridge: faith school - релігійна школа
Мова - ДНК нації: об'єм vs обсяг
Collins: moonwalk - місячна хода

Kirill (4)
Kirill is late for 20 minutes
Даня є хороший в "Доті" - Dania is good at 'Dota'
не могти - can't
Oxford Team 1
Student's Book
Model text
Ex. Read about Di's favourite animal. Answer the questions.
answer - відповідати
question - запитання
My favourite animal
My favourite animal is the owl. I love owls because they are beautiful.
Owls have got wings, short tails, and big, round heads.
wing - крило
short - короткий
tail - хвіст
round - круглий
They've also got large eyes, sharp beaks, and a lot of soft feathers.
also - також
large = big
sharp - гострий
beak - дзьоб
a lot of - багато
soft - м'який
feather - пір'я
They're usually brown or white.
usually - зазвичай
Owls are 20-30cm long and their wings are 50-70 cm wide.
wide - ширина
Owls live in trees. They sleep during the day and hunt for food at night.
during - впродовж
hunt - полювати
They eat small animals, especially mice, and large insects.
especially - особливо
large = big
insect - комаха
They can fly in silence and they can also hear very well.
silence - тиша
also - також
hear - чути
They can catch small animals in total darkness.
catch - ловити
total - суцільній
dar+ness - темрява
1. What colour are owls?
2. How long are they?
3. Where do owls live?
4. What do they do at night?
5. What do they eat?
6. What can they do in the dark?
Ex. 2 Listen to Liz and Paul. Choose the correct answers and guess the animals
choose - вибирати
guess /ges/ - здогадайся, відгадай
1 Liz says it lives in 
A threes
B trees
C seas
2 Liz says the animals eats
A bananas
B potatoes
C tomatoes
3 Paul says the animal is
A half a metre tall
B one metre tall
C one and half metres tall - півтора метри завдовшки
half - половина
4 Paul says it gives us
A silk - шовк
B milk
C grass - трава
It eats grass.
It gives us milk. - Воно дає нам молоко.
Writing tip!
We use the word because to introduce a reason.
introduce - представити, надати, пояснити
reason - причину
pool - басейн
They're good for you. - Вони (є) корисними для тебе.
Ex.4 Join the sentences using because
intelligent - розумний
faith+full - відданий
Ex.5 Write true sentences about you and your friends.
1 I like cats because they are beautiful.
2 My friend and I like playing computer games because it improves our friendship.
3 I don't like doing my homework because it is really boring.

Marina (8)
kidnap - origin
Innocence is no excuse.
Ignorence is no excuse.
make a fortune
English Vocabulary in Use
U32 'Crime'
illegal - незаконний
there - там
so - тому
opinion - точка зору
should=must=have to=ought to
He should plant as many trees as he damaged.
NB: Extr@ Episode 11

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