Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday 21st August 2015

Idiom: throw sb a CURVE ball - підсунути свиню; зіпсувати щось комусь

Cambridge: republican - республіканський; республіканець
Мова - ДНК нації: винятковий vs виключний
Oxford: resplendent - блискучий, розфуфирений

Petrov (2)
Natasha (she) celebrates her birth+day on 21st of August. РЕГУЛЯРНО, СИСТЕМАТИЧЕСКИ
celebrate - праздновать
He/She/It + verb+s/es
Does he/she/it + verb
Окончание s/es у глагола появляется в настоящем регулярном времени, когда действие выполняет он, она, оно.
Does Natasha celebrate her birthday on 21st of August?
Natasha celebrated her birthday yesterday. ВЧЕРА
Did Natasha celebrate her birthday yesterday???
the twenty-first of August
of - кого, чего
one - the first
two - the second
three - the third
four - the fourth
five - the fifth
six - the sixth
seven - the seventh
eight - the eighth
nine - the ninth
ten - the tenth
eleven - the eleventh
twelve - the twelfth
I can make tea/coffee.
В четверг я помыл машину. - On Thursday I cleand my car.
Без пары звонкие: л, м, н, р
Без пары глухие: х,
Окончание -ed перед глухими согласными и шипящими согласными ОГЛУШАЕТСЯ в звук /t/. Например: stopped /стопТ/.
А перед звонкими согласными и гласными звуками звучит как /д/. Например: swimmed /свимД/
wash /уо:ш/ - мыть
warm vs warn
Hi - /хай/ Привет.
Д.з. Написать транскрипцию слов: kite, mine, line, pine, nose, rose, pose, cone, stone.

How is it going? = How are you?
It's all going well, thank you.
I'm not ready.
I haven't prepared my homework.
I have not had time to get ready.
I did not have time yesterday.
It was a split of the tongue.
entertain - розважати
I was entertaining my sister while we were roaming around our bazaar.
shop = store
at school vs in the school
at school - на заняттях
to assist = to help
pig - свиня
pig out - eat a lot of food - їсти багато їжі
I pigged out yesterday.
be afraid of sb/sth - боятись когось (чогось)
My sister is afraid of spiders.
I am afraid of dark+ness
Why was 6 afraid of 7? - Because 789. (seven /eit/ nine). Тому що сімка з'їла дев'ятку.
eight /eit/
ate (br.) /et/ (am.) /eit/ минулий час - з'їв, з'їла
Work and travel: Готель Центральний, 3-й поверх.
рахувати - count
accountant - бухгалтер
бігати - run
knot /not/
повинен - must, have to, should
через - through, over, across
I am trying to tie a tie.
try on - міряти одяг
try - намагатись, пробувати

Hi, there.
My name is Ann. I'm eighteen. I come from Khmelnitski, Ukraine. My country is beautiful and I love it. At the moment I am studying at the Lviv Polytechnic National University. I have finished the first course and these days I am on holidays.
I am polite, creative, easy-going (sociable) and well-behaved. My hobbies are singing and playing the guitar. I also spend my free time at watching movies (I prefer comedies and love stories) or reading love novels and modern classic Ukrainian literature. I have just read "Because I have you" by Dara Korniy. It's my personal literal interpretation of the title.
My dream is to travel as much as possible and see such countries as the USA, the UK, etc. It would be great to visit, for example, the States, because as far as I know it is a great country where live nice people.
I hope my dream will come true next summer.

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